Diet After Weight-Loss Surgery

Here's how experts recommend you eat after weight-loss surgery.
In order for weight-loss surgery to help you lose a significant amount of weight — and keep it off in the long term — you'll need to adopt new eating habits. This not only means changing what you eat, but also how you eat.
"It's very important for patients who have had Lap-Band or bypass surgery to realize they've got a small pouch that holds only a small volume of food: Initially, it's about one ounce per meal, and after a few months it's about one cup to one-and-a-half cups of food," says Charles E. Morton, MD, bariatric surgeon and medical director of bariatric services at the Metabolic Surgery Center at Baptist Hospital in Nashville, Tennessee. That means you've got to be very choosy about what you eat.
The Right Foods After Bariatric Surgery
Eating lean protein (like chicken and fish) and vegetables before consuming rice or bread can increase satiety and nutrient intake, says Dr. Morton. "People should have at least 60 to 80 grams of lean protein a day to increase lean body mass and stay healthy and energetic during rapid weight loss," he suggests.
For some people, one side effect of the surgery is enough to encourage them to choose healthy foods: Their bodies find greasy or fatty foods (like fast food) more difficult to digest, which can result in "dumping syndrome" (bouts of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and sweating). After Pamela Folle, 49, of Las Vegas, had Lap-Band surgery in November 2007, she found that she could not tolerate steak, hot dogs, hamburgers, and carbonated drinks. "Not even in very small portions," she says. Folle now opts for lean proteins and vegetables, and she limits her daily intake to four ounces of food three times a day.
Folle also takes a daily multivitamin. "My doctor recommended it," she says. That's because bariatric surgery causes patients to absorb fewer nutrients from food, which may leave them deficient in iron, calcium, folate, and vitamin D. Since few multivitamins contain adequate levels of vitamin D, your doctor may suggest that you take an extra vitamin D supplement in addition to your multivitamin.
The Wrong Foods After Bariatric Surgery
Which foods are most problematic can depend on the type of weight-loss surgery you've had. "Lap-Band patients must stay away from soft foods, foods that melt, and high-calorie liquids," says Morton. "Bypass patients should avoid any concentrated source of sugar such as sweets, whole milk, and milk shakes. These aren't tolerated due to the sudden deliverance of this type of food into the small intestines." That sudden deliverance often causes dumping syndrome.
No matter what type of weight-loss surgery you have, your new stomach probably won't be able to handle both solid food and fluids at the same time, says Laura Gittus, RD, who works with Morton and coordinates the bariatric-nutrition program at the Metabolic Surgery Center. Therefore, make sure you separate fluid and food intake by at least 30 minutes. When you do drink, sip — don't guzzle — and opt for at least 48 ounces a day of things like water and low-calorie beverages or tea, and up to 24 ounces per day of skim, low-fat, or soy milk.
Gittus also advises those who have undergone weight-loss surgery to minimize or eliminate these other high-calorie, low-nutrient foods: deep-fried foods like chicken and french fries; fast-food meals; high-fat foods like pizza, bacon, or breakfast sausage; high-sugar foods such as cakes, cookies, ice cream, and candy; and alcohol.
Slow Down and Savor Each Bite
Importantly, don't rush through meals. "Eat slowly and savor each bite to prevent overeating," Gittus says. "That will also help you enjoy food without feeling like you're restricted or on a 'diet'."

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