Eat Eggs for Breakfast and You'll Feel Fuller

Swap your bowl of Cheerios and milk for eggs, and you'll stay satisfied until lunch, new research says. Here's why.

When it comes to health, eggs have a bit of a bad reputation.
But not for much longer: Egg protein is better than a breakfast of wheat protein for keeping hunger at bay, according to a study conducted at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, La., (and funded by the American Egg Board).
This is the latest in a slew of research that has found eggs to be weight-loss superfoods for one simple reason: They provide an extremely low-calorie punch of protein — six full grams for only 70 calories per large egg. In comparison, dieter favorite Special K cereal has the same amount of protein for 120 calories per serving. Original Cheerios have 3 grams of protein per 100-calorie serving.
In the Pennington study, researchers evaluated 20 overweight or obese participants. Each of the 20 ate an egg breakfast every day for a week, and then later ate from a structured lunch buffet. The study was repeated with ready-to-eat breakfast cereals in place of eggs. Individuals who ate the egg breakfast felt fuller before lunch and ate less at the buffet than when they ate the cereal breakfast, researchers found.
Plus, participants who ate eggs had lower levels of the hunger-stimulating hormone acylated ghrelin and higher levels of PYY3-36, a hormone that signals fullness.

What's the Bottom Line on Eggs?

Eggs' bad reputation is largely due to the cholesterol that's found in the yolk, but the American Heart Association (AHA) says it shouldn't necessarily be a concern. One large egg yolk has about 186 milligrams of cholesterol, a little more than half of what a healthy person should consume in one day. The AHA recommends that people with normal cholesterol levels cap their egg consumption at four or fewer whole eggs per week. People with heart disease should eat two or fewer whole eggs. Cholesterol-free egg substitutes and egg whites are perfectly healthy for unlimited consumption, the AHA says.
The reason for the change of heart on eggs? Study after study has found that dietary cholesterol has a much smaller impact on total levels than was once believed. Cholesterol is also hugely impacted by genetics and activity levels.
To keep calorie counts down, it's also important to watch how you cook eggs. Any cooking method that does not involve oil or butter, such as boiling or poaching, is considered to be the healthiest way to eat eggs. Hard boil a few to have on hand for snacks or as part of quick meals. Scramble eggs and egg whites with mixed vegetables for a healthy meal at any time of the day, or search Everyday Health'shealthy recipe database for more ideas.

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