Hidden Fat Traps

How to prevent those pounds from packing on

You noticed that your pants were getting a little snug, but didn't think much of it. When you could barely button your favorite skirt, you forced yourself onto a scale and discovered you'd gained eight pounds. But why? You haven't changed your eating or exercise habits.
Chances are you overlooked some of the most common weight-gain culprits. Frequent dining out, nighttime snacks in front of the television and even your fondness for coffee can all cause a slow-but-steady weight gain. Once you identify and combat these "hidden" fat traps, you'll find it easier to shed pounds and maintain a healthy weight.
Loss of Muscle
Getting older is one of the most frequently overlooked reasons for gaining weight, says Sheah Rarback, R.D., a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association based in Miami. "You're more susceptible to weight gain with every passing decade because your metabolism slows and you lose muscle mass," says Rarback. "What that means is you can't eat the same way you did when you were twenty. If you do, you'll gain weight." 
The solution: Strength training helps build muscle mass and combat this effect of aging, says personal trainer Brad Schoenfeld, author of Look Great at Any Age. "Generally speaking, a pound of muscle burns about fifty calories a day," he says. "So if you add a pound of muscle, you'll increase your metabolic rate by about that much." Adding muscle keeps your bones strong as well.
Late-Night Snacking
If you spend most evenings curled up on the couch watching TV, chances are you snack, too. And those snacks can add up to hundreds or even thousands of calories. Eating in front of the set distracts you from how much you're consuming, causing you to eat even more. Studies also show that women eat less when they concentrate on their food. "If you sit in front of the TV every night and eat, then every time the TV comes on you'll have the urge to eat," warns Jackie Berning, R.D., an assistant professor of nutrition at the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs.
The solution: Women tend to undereat during the day, so they overeat at night, says Berning. Make sure you eat enough at mealtimes so you're not hungry for a snack after dinner. Most importantly, turn off the TV whenever you eat.
Plentiful Portions
Americans' waistlines have been growing along with portion sizes. Even snack foods are growing increasingly larger. But the battle can be won. Leah Ingram of New Hope, Pennsylvania, has kept 17 pounds off for more than a year and a half just by controlling her portions. "I have peanut butter on toast every morning for breakfast. Before I lost weight, I slopped peanut butter on the toast," says Leah. "But now I measure out a tablespoon and make it last. Eyeballing doesn't work because it's too easy to add more, and suddenly your pants are tight."
The solution: "Have the treat but control the portion," says Rarback. "Even if it's a snack food, such as chips or peanuts, put a small portion on a plate. If you're reaching into the bag, you don't realize how much you're eating." You can also buy individual snack bags at the grocery store or make your own portion-size snacks using sandwich bags.
Make Meals Better
Restaurant Reliance
If you eat out frequently it's almost impossible not to overeat. In fact, a study found that restaurant portions of foods like hamburgers and French fries are two to five times larger than they should be. "There's a mentality that says, 'If I'm going to pay for it, I'm going to eat it,'" says Berning. "And we're paying for it with the high incidence of obesity in this country." We also tend to think of eating out as special, so we choose fattier foods. "It's easy to think, 'I don't have to prepare it and therefore I'm going to treat myself,'" says Berning.
The solution: In addition to restricting the number of meals you allow yourself to eat out, implementing portion control is extremely important. Eat only half of your meal, and leave the rest or take it home in a doggie bag. If you don't like leftovers, ask your dinner partner if he or she would like to split a meal.
Skipping Breakfast
A lot of busy women skip breakfast and live off coffee during the morning hours. This not only affects your waistline, but also your performance and mood. Studies show that breakfast eaters are more alert and retain information more easily than breakfast skippers, plus they're less likely to be depressed.
Missing this critical morning meal can also lead to overeating later in the day. "People think if they skipped breakfast they deserve to snack or to eat more at lunch," says Joan Carter, R.D., a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association based in Houston. "Once you're starving, all bets are off in terms of eating sensibly." One study showed that 78 percent of people who lost more than 30 pounds and kept it off ate breakfast every morning.
The solution: Always make time for this essential meal, even if it's just a banana and yogurt eaten on the run.
Kitchen Crew
Do you nibble as you cook? Finish the fries off your kids' plates? "Some moms tend to finish the family's dinners, whether it's the last crust of pizza or the last few bites of pasta," says Carter. You can easily consume 200 or 300 calories without even noticing it.
The solution: If you've fallen into this habit, remind yourself that it's OK to throw food away. Serve your kids smaller portions or save the leftovers for the next day.
Loaded Drinks
Five years ago, you probably just had regular coffee in the morning. If you've switched to a latte or mocha, have you accounted for the additional calories? "Even bottled drinks that say 'health' or 'vitality' or 'energy' can be loaded with calories," says Rarback. "Juices are a source of good nutrients, but some have the same amount of calories as soda does."
The solution: You don't have to give up your favorite drinks. Just make sure you're aware of the calories consumed since they can add on the pounds. Also, drink plenty of water. If you're thirsty, that should be your first choice.
When Snacks Attack
Packaged Foods
How many of your meals and snacks come in plastic? The more packaged foods you eat, the more likely you are to be consuming empty calories that add pounds. "People don't eat enough unprocessed foods," says Carter. "Generally, the less processed the food, the higher the fiber content." More fiber means your stomach stays full, and you feel satisfied for a longer period of time.
The solution: Opt for fruits, vegetables and whole grains instead of packaged, processed foods. "Foods that are less processed, such as dense whole-grain breads, salads, broccoli and other vegetables, force you to be more aware of what you're eating," says Carter.
Snack, Snack, Snack
Having a snack is not inherently bad. It can serve as a bridge between meals and help you maintain your energy level throughout the day. But if you're constantly putting food in your mouth, most likely you're going to gain weight.
The solution: Recognize the reason for your snacking. It may be because you're bored or thirsty. "I tell people to drink a lot of water throughout the day in order to maintain hydration. Most people snack less when they do this," says Berning. To become more aware of how much you're snacking, keep a food journal. You may be surprised at what you are actually eating. Karen Preston, 45, of Portland, Oregon, a customer-service representative, lost 184 pounds over three years and four months. She kept a food journal to record her eating and exercise and continues to keep one today.
Losing weight is hard enough, but keeping it off can be an ongoing battle, especially as you get older. Although you don't have to diet for the rest of your life, you do need to pay attention to your eating and exercise habits.
The solution: Weigh yourself once a week or notice how your clothes fit to keep track of where you are. Even after you're done with the strict diet, it's still important to pay attention to what you're eating and to remain physically active. Karen bought a diamond and ruby ring to celebrate her weight loss, and she wears it to keep herself motivated and on track. "I only wear the ring if I'm at my goal weight or below," she explains. "A visual reminder really helps me stay on target."
5 Diet Busters
While there are hundreds of lowfat, reduced-calorie and "lite" versions of your favorite foods available, not all of them are good for you. Watch out for these hidden fat-trap foods that can derail even the most dedicated dieter's progress:
Coffee drinks
A 16-ounce Starbucks Coffee Frappuccino has 270 calories. Toss in a scone and you've just had 770 calories for breakfast!
Ground turkey
You may use this in recipes thinking it's leaner than ground beef, but 95-percent-lean ground beef can actually have less fat and calories than ground turkey. Check the nutrition label on the package before you buy.
Lowfat cheese
Some versions have half the calories and fat of regular versions, but it's easy to go overboard. If you use lowfat cheese, it's not an excuse to eat twice as much.
Energy bars
There are dozens to choose from, many of which are enriched with beneficial vitamins and minerals, but they're still high in calories. For instance, a Balance Gold bar has 200 calories. When you need a quick energy boost, choose a piece of fruit instead.
Salad bars
A salad can be a dieter's best weapon if you stick to fresh vegetables and go easy on the dressing. But watch the prepared salads and toppings like cheese, ham, bacon bits and sunflower seeds, all of which are high in calories.

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