Low Carb Dieting Tips: When You Reach Your Plateaus

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We all get to that place in out weight loss plan where we seem to be getting less results if any. Many of us may feel like it is hopeless and that we have gone as far as we can. A plateau refers to an extended period of time during our weight loss efforts where there is no weight loss according to the scale AND no loss of inches according to the tape measure. This can happen even if you are sticking to your low-carb diet plan. If this seems to be your case chances are that you aren’t as stuck as you may think. There are a few things you can do to keep your body in check:
*First, take your measurements. There is a chance that if you aren’t seeing the pounds drop in numbers that you are still loosing inches. So don’t stop your low-carb eating plan.
*Second, check to see if your clothes that used to be a little tight now seem a little looser. Your body may still be loosing fat. Now your body is at the point where it is starting to add lean muscle. And since fat is more bulky then lean muscle your cloths will begin to change the way that they fit you.
These plateaus can last for about three to four week. This is normal, so keep up with your low-carb eating plan as well as your regular exercise, and you will soon see the results. The changes that low-carbing makes to your body will last a lifetime so don’t worry about a few weeks.
Now perhaps you have reached plateaus in your low-carb weigh loss plan that is lasting longer than the regular four weeks. There are a few things that could be causing this upsetting stall in your weight loss.
#1) Your Carbohydrate intake may be too high. Some people need to keep there introductory low-carb diet level there entire weight loss period.
#2) Hidden Carbohydrates. You may be eating foods that you think are low-carb and yet you can be fooled. By sneaking into your diet these unwanted carbohydrates can add up fast. Know what foods you are able to eat and stick to those in your low-carb diet.
#3) Overeating. Eat when you are hungry and don’t over do it. Just because you are eating the right foods doest mean that you can eat until you are overfull.
#4) Not Enough Exercise. You need to be exercising to boost your metabolism and help your body to burn unwanted fat. Especially weight training, which builds muscle that will essentially eat that same fat.
#5) Not drinking enough H20. A bare minimum recommendation is 64 fluid oz (that's 8 - 8 oz glasses) of water a day. If you aren’t consuming enough water you can try to substitute with non-caffeine teas and diet sodas. Remember that these aren’t the same as water but will help a little and are low in carbs.
Remember these tips and don’t give up on your low-carb diet.

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