People Get Crazy About This “8 Hour Diet” – Lose Up To 15 Pounds In Just 6 Weeks

Diet, Food, Loss, Health, Dieting, Tape
This 8-hour diet allows you to eat any food you like, provided you eat it between 9 am and 5 pm. So, no food after 5pm!
Americans are crazy for the new book, “8 Hour Diet! Watch the pounds disappear, without watching what you eat.” David Zinczenko and Peter Moore are the authors of this book, and they swear that this diet works.
What attracted people most is the fact that this 8-hour diet allows them to eat whatever they like, provided they eat between 9 am and 5 pm. Zinczenko and Moore explain how the most dangerous threat of a fit body is the excessive consumption of food after 5pm, meaning in the late night hours when most of the people lay in front of their TVs and eat.
“Our bodies can not process the food consumed at the end of the day and these calories end where they should not -- on the butt and the stomach”, was written in their book.
They claim that people who follow their special diet regimen of just eight hours per week can lose around 10 pounds in a month. You can eat anything between 9am and 5 pm, but nothing after this period. There is an alternative, starting from 11 am to 7 pm, but they find the first solution to be more efficient.
Start Today- Watch the Pounds Disappear Without Watching What You Eat!
From Here You Can Buy “The 8 Hour Diet” Book:
The 8-Hour Diet: Watch the Pounds Disappear Without Watching What You Eat!
Their approach to diet is not something sensational and new. Nutritionists also argued previously that you should not eat after 6 pm. Experts explain that you should not eat literally anything, meaning try to avoid junk food, which is not quite health-friendly.

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