The Amazing Benefits of Lime

This citrus fruit with green peel and light green pulp is often confused with  lemon, because both fruits have the same look and smell. But lime belongs to other citrus group.
Nutritional Value of Lime
About 100 grams of lime contain: 29 mg of vitamin C, 11 grams of carbohydrate, 30 calories, 1.7 grams of sugar, 0.2 grams of fat and 0.7 grams of proteins. This fruit has strong antibacterial properties.
Health Benefits of Lime
-The lime is a “Super Lemon” that improves digestion, prevents constipation and urinary infections, relieves respiratory discomfort and symptoms of gingivitis and skin, and is also useful in weight loss diets. It is used in the kitchen and cosmetics.
-Limes contain essential oils which improve digestion, and a cup of hot water with some lime juice helps losing weight.
-- The lime essential oils increase the secretion of stomach juices and bile acids, stimulate intestinal peristalsis, which is the main reason why it is recommended for people suffering from chronic constipation.
-These oils are used in the production of balsam and inhalers, which in short term help breathing easily and relieve the respiratory problems caused by respiratory infections.
-Lime is rich in potassium which makes this fruit effective in the elimination of toxins gathered in the kidneys and bladder and it also speeds up the treatment of urinary infections.
-Lime is rich in vitamin C, so it is often used in the case of bleeding and sensitive gums. Lime juice relieves itching and skin rashes caused by infection, and cosmetic preparations based on this fruit bring back the glow of your skin.
-Lime acid is great for burning fat, so it is recommended for diabetics.
Lime Juice Recipe 
It is recommended to drink this juice in the morning, because it gives you strength during the whole day, it is a real vitamin bomb!
  • 2 limes
  • 2 lemons
  • 2 oranges
  • 4 kiwi
  • 2 tablespoons honey
Peel and blend the fruits

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