Weight Loss Surgery May Boost Problem Drinking

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Almost 10 percent of patients undergoing bariatric surgery to combat obesity had symptoms of an alcohol abuse disorder 2 years after surgery, a large prospective cohort study showed.
The prevalence of alcohol abuse and dependence increased from 7.6 percent before surgery to 9.6 percent 2 years after the procedure, as reported online in theJournal of the American Medical Association.
The overall effect was driven by patients who underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. In that large subgroup, the prevalence of alcohol use disorder increased from 7 percent before surgery to 10.7 percent in the second year after surgery, wrote Wendy C. King, PhD, of the University of Pittsburgh, and colleagues.
"The results emphasize the need for a discussion of the risks and benefits of surgery for each patient," King told MedPage Today.
"In no way does this study mean that bariatric surgery is bad and people shouldn't have it. It is simply a study that has identified one potential risk that needs to be discussed within the context of all the risks and benefits, so that each patient and clinician together can determine the best treatment option."
The publication coincided with King's presentation of the data at the American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery meeting in San Diego.
Growing experience with bariatric surgery has demonstrated a low short-term risk of serious adverse events and evidence of a potential reduction in long-term mortality. However, anecdotal reports have suggested an increased risk of alcohol use disorders after surgery.
Few follow-up studies have examined associations between bariatric surgery and postoperative problem drinking, according to the journal article. Results have been inconclusive.
Several studies have suggested that certain bariatric procedures — notably, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) and sleeve gastrectomy — alter alcohol pharmacokinetics, leading to increased alcohol sensitivity, authors of the article continued in their review of the background.
King and colleagues sought to address some of the limitations of the current knowledge base by examining the prevalence of alcohol use disorders before and after bariatric surgery in a large multicenter observational cohort study.
The study included 2,458 patients who attended a preoperative research visit completed within 30 days of scheduled surgery. The study population comprised patients who underwent RYGB, laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB), sleeve gastrectomy, biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch, or banded gastric bypass.
Alcohol use was assessed by means of the 10-item Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT). At the preoperative interview, investigators explored alcohol use and related consequences during the 12 months prior to surgery.
The AUDIT has a total score in the range of 0 to 40, and higher scores reflect increased likelihood of problem drinking. Subsets of AUDIT items assess hazardous drinking (≥3 drinks per occasion or ≥6 drinks on one occasion), symptoms of alcohol dependence, and alcohol-related harm. A total score ≥8 suggested symptoms of alcohol use disorder.
The final analysis comprised 1,945 patients who completed the preoperative assessment and at least one of the two follow-up assessments (1 and 2 years after surgery) from 2006 to 2011.
Women accounted for 78.8 percent of the patients, 87 percent of whom were Caucasian. Two-thirds of the patients were married or living with a partner, 37 percent had a college degree, and 39.7 percent had some college education.
A majority of the patients (57.4 percent) had received treatment for a psychiatric or emotional disorder in the year prior to surgery. The authors found that 2.2 percent of the patients smoked, 7 percent consumed alcohol at least twice a week, 7.8 percent (of the 1,945 patients) met criteria for an alcohol use disorder, and 4.3 percent had a history of recreational drug use.
The patients had a median body mass index of 45.8. Most patients (69.9 percent) underwent RYGB procedures, with LAGB the next most common procedure (25.2 percent).
The preoperative assessment showed that 7.6 percent of the entire study population had symptoms of an alcohol use disorder in the 12 months before bariatric surgery, declining to 7.3 percent during the first year after surgery. The prevalence then increased by 2.3 percent in the second year after surgery, representing a statistically significant change from year 1.
The relationship between RYGB specifically and problem drinking (not seen with other procedures) led to another analysis, one stratified by the type of surgery. The results showed an increase of more than 50 percent in the prevalence of alcohol use disorder in patients who underwent RYGB.
The overall analysis also showed that 1 in 8 patients reported consuming three or more drinks in a typical occasion during the second postoperative year, and the same proportion reported having six or more drinks at least once during the second year after surgery.
"This level of drinking after surgery is a concern and something that clinicians need to be aware of," said King.

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