A Detox Recipe to Cleanse Your Body and Burn Fat – Results After 7 Days

Juice, Health, Detox, Organic
If you have been paying attention to the health buzz over the past few years you might be familiar with the detox diet. Health experts from all around the world have extolled the health benefits of detoxification but what most people think of when they hear the word “detox” is strange and terrible tasting food, painful withdrawal symptoms, hunger and colon cleansing.
But there are actually some detox methods that aren’t just bearable, they are actually pretty fun and delicious. If you want to get rid of some fast really fast and make your body infinitely healthier, there is a detox recipe that will give you results in just seven days.
Why We Need to Detox
If you aren’t sure that you actually should detox and what the reasons are behind it, you’re not alone. People are only now starting to realize the benefit of detoxing.
There are a few reasons that you should do it however, particularly if you experience any of the symptoms that point to an overload of toxins. For example: if you are always tired and have no energy, cannot seem to think or concentrate and have trouble getting up in the morning these could be warning signs.
You should also be concerned if you can’t seem to lose weight or lose it consistently or if you have sudden and extremely potent food cravings for sugars, carbohydrates or other addictive foods.
Benefits of the Detox
Other than burning fat and losing weight there are a number of benefits do doing a detoxification.Detoxing can get rid of some of the harmful fats in your body and even give your immune system some help.
Detoxing can help you get back your energy and wake up feeling happy and excited about the day. Here is a recipe for an amazing drink that can burn fat and speed up your metabolism and help you shed some pounds in just seven days.
What You’ll Need
·         One teaspoon of ginger (grated) or two teaspoons of organic ginger root in powder form.
·         One medium lemon & 1 medium cucumber.
·         Eight-and-a-half cups of water, purified through some kind of filtration process.
·         Ten whole mint leaves
How you prepare it
Simply mix everything listed in a large pitcher and let it sit in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, remove the solid substances through the use of a colander and serve the drink with or without ice.
Why it’s Effective
·         Cucumbers are delicious and low-calorie so they are perfect for a drink to lose weight.
·         Ginger allows you to feel full and therefore you won’t eat as much.
·         Lemons have a number of benefits, but one thing they contain is pectin fiber, which helps suppress appetite. They are also helpful in cleansing the body during a detox like this one.
·         Mint is flavorful and also has appetite suppressing properties.
·         Water is simply amazing for weight loss, promoting better health, making you feel full and removing toxins from the body
 If you have been interested in cleansing or detoxifying your body but are worried about what the detox process involves, you are not alone. Many people avoid cleansing their bodies because they equate detox with starvation, all-liquid diets and uncomfortable procedures.
But there are actually things you can do quite painlessly that will clean your body out and remove some of the toxins that you have. Here are ten great ways to cleanse your body without any pain or discomfort.
Drink More Water: Water is an amazing substance that almost no one on earth drinks enough of. But water is about half of your entire body and it is necessary for cells, organs and bodily functions, particular the lymphatic system, which is responsible for getting rid of toxins in the body.
Use Lemon Juice: Lemons are actually pretty amazing and most people hardly ever use them or even think about them as a fruit. But lemon juice not only can help prevent cancer cells from forming, they also are anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and help to remove toxins. Combining lemon juice with baking soda can have even great benefits because these effects are multiplied.
Meditation:Meditation is actually a really good way to cleanse your mind, which is vital to your health and wellness. Meditation is a great way to relax for a few minutes when you have a busy life and to get control of thoughts and emotions.
Shower Hydrotherapy: Hydrotherapy is tried and true method to cleanse and it only requires fifteen minutes in the shower. All you do is alternate between hot water and cold. You can run the hot water for about three minutes and then run cold water for about 30 seconds. The reason that this works so well is that circulation is increased and it assists the lymphatic system at removing waste.
Juicing: Juicing is one of the best ways that you can cleanse your body. You can do a three day juice fast all the way up to a ten day juice fast to clean the toxins from your body. Just be sure to juice fresh vegetables and fruits yourself instead of relying processed juices with sugar added.
Lymphatic Massage: A great way to detox is to do a lymphatic massage. There is where you massage your skin lightly in a circular motion so that you move toxins upwards. This method is also called lymphatic brushing.
Do Some Stretching: Stretching out your body and all of the various muscle groups will help your body remove toxins much faster than if you let your muscles stagnate and atrophy.
Uplifting Music: Uplifting music is any music that makes you happy and invokes a pleasant physical response.
Get a Pet: Pets are great when it comes to your physical and mental health. Studies have shown that stroking a pet brings stress levels down and helps people when they are feeling depressed. They usually make people happy and are nice to have around.

Steam Therapy: If you have access to a steam room or sauna, you will be able to detoxify your body much faster by using it. If you don’t have access to one a steam machine or a pan of hot water with a towel over your head will do

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