Drink This in the Morning to Blast Away Fat and Detox Your Body

Water, Drink, Drinking, Lemon, Glass
When you wake up in the morning it is likely that the first thing that you go for is something to drink, perhaps after hitting the bathroom. After fasting throughout the night your body is craving liquid. Many of us turn to that first cup of coffee in the mornings as a way to quench our thirst.
While there may be some benefits of drinking coffee in the mornings, there is something that you can drink instead that will not only quench your thirst, but will also help you blast away fat and detox your body. This drink will make you feel much better throughout the day all while helping you burn extra fat.
Now, you are probably curious about what this drink could be. Surprisingly, it is a simple mix of room temperature water, apple cider vinegar, cayenne pepper and lemon.
This drink will quench your thirst immediately and you will see a major change in your health overall. Here are the directions on how to make this great fat burning and detoxifying drink.
·         12 ounces warm water. The water should be room temperature, not hot. Hot water will actually kill the properties of the other ingredients because heat kills minerals, vitamins, and enzymes.
·         Juice from half of a lemon
·         2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
·         Dash of cayenne pepper
Simply mix all of the ingredients together and enjoy the benefits throughout the day. You may want to drink it through a straw so that the acids do not come in contact with your teeth.
You should wait at least fifteen minutes after drinking the water mixture before eating or drinking anything else to provide your body with enough time to absorb all of the nutrients from the drink.
Health Benefits
This drink is simple, yet powerful. The lemon and the apple cider vinegar will help purify your colon, which makes it easier to absorb nutrients. In addition, these ingredients will help to improve digestion overall. The lemon will help balance the body fluids, fight infections, and the lymph system.
The apple cider vinegar helps to lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels. All of the ingredients work together to help restore the alkaline acid balance of the body, which can relieve issues that result from diets that are high in foods that produce high amounts of acid.
The flavor of this great drink may take some getting used to. One of the ways to deal with the flavor of the drink is to add a bit of honey to it as a sweetener. As you become used to the tartness you can use less and less honey, until you no longer need to add it at all.
This should be the first thing that you drink when you get up in the morning. After waiting for your body to absorb it, you can then enjoy your morning cup of coffee along with a healthy breakfast.

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